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Wednesday, March 15, 2023

The North Carolina State Conference March 10-11, 2023

The State Conference was held March 10-11, 2023 at the Marriott Raleigh Crabtree Hotel, Raleigh, North Carolina. National President Dorothy Thompson attended our conference and enjoyed the banquet Southwestern theme. Our own Pat Gooding was elected North Carolina President and Carol Jutte was elected 3rd Vice President. 

The Heraldry Club held its first in-person gathering with a door prize drawing that a member received a paid supplemental for a COA. Please see the State website for the list of 2023-2025 State officers with updates coming soon at Colonial Dames XVII Century | North Carolina Society ( The conference was a great success and a lot of fun.

Information provided by Carol Jutte

           Pat Gooding was elected North Carolina President and Carol Jutte was elected 3rd Vice President.

NCSCD 2023-2025 State Board
Pat closing the meeting

Carol, Brooke & Pat
Let the party begin...The Southwest banquet.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Collecting Stamps for the Wounded


 Our chapter sent 252 stamps for the year of 2022. It is never too late to start saving our stamps for this worthy cause. Please bring to the meeting your saved stamps and give to Carol Jutte and they will be sent to veterans. Stamps for the Wounded (SFTW) is a service organization dedicated to providing comfort and stimulating activity to U.S. veterans through stamp collecting. Thank you for your help with this project.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

A Message from the Registrar by Suzanne Palmer

 A Message from the Registrar by Suzanne Palmer 

Dower Rights--a new category for National Society Colonial Dames XVIIC. You can now submit an application or a supplemental with Dower Rights. Check all your applications, as now you can submit a supplemental for the wife if she qualifies. The Dower Rights of a married woman was another of the practices of colonial Virginia, as well as the rest of the English colonies. Dower rights were a protection to a wife so she would not be left out of her husband’s wealth after his death. Upon the death of a husband, a widow was entitled to one-third of her husband’s estate, thus her Dower Rights (as a wife) became her Dower Share (as a widow), often referred to as the Widow’s Third. The oldest son would inherit the entire property, but one-third of the estate was held in trust in the name of the widow, who could legally derive equity, rents, or income from her portion. After her death, her Dower Share would revert back to the heir.